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Data Catalogue

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  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    General Overview

    What is the purpose of the GRDC  Data Catalogue?

    The GRDC Data Catalogue  serves as a centralised hub to discover datasets stored across various external distributed repositories. It enhances the findability and accessibility of datasets from multiple organisations in one place. It does so without storing the data itself, but by referencing them through metadata records.

    Who can access the GRDC Data Catalogue?

    The GRDC Data Catalogue is publicly accessible to anyone interested in exploring or accessing the datasets listed.

    What type of datasets are registered with the GRDC Data Catalogue?

    The catalogue includes a variety of datasets from different organisations. The only requirement is that the data listed in the data catalogue be related to the Australian grains sector. 

    How is the data in this catalogue organised?

    Datasets that are registered by the catalogue are organised through metadata records which provide details about each dataset, making it easier to search and find relevant data using the search tools.

    Searching & Navigating

    How can I search for specific datasets in the catalogue?

    Users can search for datasets using the search bar and further refine their search using the search facets available on the left-hand side of the results page.

    What are search facets and how do they assist in finding data?

    Search facets are filters that help narrow down search results based on certain criteria, making it easier to find relevant datasets.

    How are search results presented?

    Search results are presented as a list of clickable metadata records. Each record leads to a full page of details regarding the metadata.

    How do I understand and navigate the metadata records displayed?

    Clicking on a metadata record in the search results will take you to a page with detailed information about the dataset including, where applicable, links to the data in external repositories or contact information to inquire about the data.

    Metadata Records

    What information is contained in a metadata record?

    A metadata record provides detailed information about a dataset including its title, description, the organisation it belongs to, and, when applicable, links to access the data or contact details to request access.

    How are metadata records created?

    Metadata records are created either manually using the GRDC Data Catalogue metadata creation form, through importing a RIF-CS compliant XML file,  or through automatic harvesting from external repositories. 

    Why do some metadata records have links to external repositories while others do not?

    Metadata records have links to dataset locations when the data is stored in publicly searchable repositories. If the repository is not publicly searchable, the metadata record provides contact details where enquiries can be directed.

    Accessing Data

    How can I access the data referenced in the catalogue?

    Publicly accessible data can be accessed by following the links provided in the metadata records to external repositories or by clicking on the link under the ‘Direct Download’ heading in the catalogue.

    I have clicked through to a dataset record in a publicly searchable repository. Why can’t I download the dataset?

    Datasets are stored on external platforms based on the preferences or requirements of the contributing organisations. Some datasets may not be publicly accessible due to privacy or security concerns. 

    What should I do if a dataset is not publicly accessible?

    If a dataset is not publicly accessible, you can request access to the dataset by clicking on the ‘Request Access’ link in the data catalogue navigation bar and filling out the ‘Data Access Form’.

    Who should I contact if I have questions about a dataset?

    The metadata record will provide contact details of the relevant person to get in touch with for further information regarding the dataset.


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